SHADE - The Aerial Division

The Aerial Division

Shade is all about control of the skies. In the traditional Battlefield fashion of rock, paper, scissors; Air beats Armour which beats Infantry which beats Air.

The moment we lose control of the air, our armour takes a hit. Without tanks our defence is severely hindered and that means it’s up to our infantry to play much more aggressively to balance the scales. Our strategy from above was being as lethal as possible to the enemy armour without risking too much. Getting in and out of the action to neutralise the biggest threats to the boots on the ground.

One of the benefits of controlling the air is having access to unique locations on the battlefield, and being able to access them quickly. It was not uncommon for us to perform mass rooftop paradrops onto the enemies bases which was only possible when the enemy aircraft wasn’t patrolling right above.